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외국인 친구에게 한국 아이스크림 가게 소개하기 Ice cream store in Korea Today, we're going to show you the range of sweets, ice creams and toys you can find in Korean ice cream shop.Ice cream shop in Korea are more than just places to buy ice cream.  They're also fascinating places that offer a wide range of fun.    As well as the ice cream, Korean ice cream store sell lots of other sweets. For instance, typical Korean sweets such as 'papiko', 'chocosongi', and 'swe.. 2024. 10. 4.
Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워) Travel Namsan Seoul Tower is an absolutely amazing, iconic landmark in Seoul that offers the most incredible, stunning views and a variety of experiences that you'll never forget! Ready for an amazing trip to Namsan Seoul Tower? Here are some suggestions to get you started! Namsan Seoul Tower (남산서울타워)ⓒ한국관광공사 포토코리아-이범수Address 105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 서울특별시 용산구 남산공원길 105  Find the Best R.. 2024. 9. 17.
Starfield COEX Mall (스타필드 코엑스몰) Here's a quick overview of Starfield COEX Mall. It's a big shopping mall in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, which opened in 2014. As one of the first big shopping malls in Korea, it covers about 400,000 square metres and brings together shopping, culture and entertainment. It's a popular spot with many people thanks to its modern design and great facilities.  ⓒ한국관광공사 포토코리아-IR스튜디오​Starfield COEX Mall (.. 2024. 9. 3.